Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Should Dogs Eat Fruit? What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

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Should Dogs Eat Fruit?

On This Page

  • Should Dogs Eat Fruits?
  • What Fruits Can Dogs Eat Safely?
  • Which Fruits Dogs Can’t Eat?
  • Tips for Safely Feeding Fruits to your Dog

Dogs are carnivores, but that does not mean they cannot eat fruit. Many people don't realize this fact and try to stick to the diet of a dog because it is what they think should be done.A lot of people wonder what fruits dogs can eat and if it is okay for them. The answer is yes!Fruits are generally good for dogs to eat, so you should definitely share some with your pup. But not all kinds of fruits are safe for your dog to eat. There are some fruits that are safe and healthy for your dog.Furthermore, like any other dog food, you can’t feed an excessive amount of fruits to your dog.Read the blog further to know more about what fruits dogs can and can’t eat. Also, learn about some feeding tips here!

Should Dogs Eat Fruits?

Your dog likes fruit, and some fruits can be good for your dog. But you should only give a small amount of fruit because most fruits have high sugar content, and your dog might choke on it.

Still, dogs can eat many types of fresh or frozen fruit. Just make sure they don't eat too much!

Veterinarians recommend that your dog get no more than 10% of their daily food intake from treats. This includes fruit and other things. If fresh, water-filled fruits are in this category, all the better.

Before you feed your dog any fruit, look at this list and check to see which fruits are safe. If your dog has a pre-existing condition, do not feed it fruit without asking a veterinarian first.

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat Safely?

“What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?”

Here is a list of fruits that are safe for your dog to eat:

  • Apples

Dogs can eat apples. Apples are good for dogs because they have vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. They are low in protein and fat, so they are the perfect snack for older dogs.

Make sure you remove the seeds and core first. You can also find apples in apple-flavored dog treats!

Expert Tip

Refer to our blog about Can Dogs Eat Apples to know more!

  • Apricots

Apricots are safe for dogs, but you should take the pits out before giving your dog an apricot. Apricot pits can cause intestinal blockage, and they contain traces of cyanide which is not good for dogs.

Your dog would need to eat many apricot pits quickly before they are affected by the cyanide. It is best to keep apricot pits off-limits because it's safer that way.

  • Bananas

Dogs can eat bananas. They are good for them, but they should not be eaten all the time. Bananas are high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper. They also have low cholesterol and sodium, but because of their sugar content, they should only be given as a treat.

Expert Tip

Read about Can Dogs Eat Bananas to learn more!

  • Blueberries

Yes, dogs can eat blueberries. Blueberries help dogs because they stop cell damage. They have fiber and phytochemicals which are good for your dog’s health. Try teaching your dog to catch treats in the air by throwing blueberries instead of store-bought treats!

Expert Tip

Refer Can Dogs Eat Blueberries to know more about blueberries!

  • Blackberries

Blackberries are good for your dog. They have a lot of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins in them. There is Vitamin C, K, and Manganese in blackberries. In moderation, they are good for your dog to eat.

Try freezing the berries to make a crunchy snack!

  • Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe tastes good for a picnic. It is okay to give it to your dog. Cantaloupe has a lot of nutrients and it gives your dog water and fiber. It is low in calories, so your dog can snack on cantaloupe.

But, be careful because it has a lot of sugar. So, only give it to your pup if he or she is not diabetic or overweight.

Expert Tip

Have a look at our blog about Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe to learn more!

  • Cranberries

Your dog can eat cranberries, but some dogs do not like the taste. So you should offer them both dried and fresh cranberries so they can choose what they want to eat. You should also be careful to only give them a little bit of cranberry because too many cranberries can cause an upset stomach.

  • Cucumbers

Dogs have a tough time losing weight. Cucumbers are not too high in calories and could be healthy to feed to your dog. They are low in fat, carbs, and calories, but they also contain many vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, C & B1 potassium, copper magnesium, biotin.

If you give them too many cucumbers then they may get stomach issues so make sure you monitor your dog when first giving them cucumbers.

Expert Tip

Here is a blog about Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers. Read to know more!

  • Coconut

Coconut has some great benefits and your dog can eat it safely but without the husk. Coconut oil is good for your dog's health. It improves their skin, helps them digest things, and can even prevent infections in dogs.

Other benefits are that it contains lauric acid which helps fight viruses and gives a boost to the immune system. Albumin can help with skin issues like fleas or itchy skin.

It can be difficult to deal with whole coconuts. But you can use these alternatives, and remember to keep an eye on your dog when feeding it anything new.

    • Coconut Chips
    • Coconut paste
    • Coconut oil
    • Coconut milk or water (unsweetened)
  • Mango

Dogs can eat mangoes. These make a yummy snack for most dogs because they taste sweet. But you need to be careful about the pit because it could be a choking hazard and it has some cyanide which can poison them.

It is best to feed the dog only the surrounding fruit, not the skin which is tough for your dog to digest. You should also know that mangoes have a lot of sugar which could cause weight gain and even diabetes when fed too much of them.

So as long as you don't give them too many, mangoes are safe for dogs in moderation. Also, don't let your dog have access to their pit!

Expert Tip

Check out our blog about Can Dogs Eat Mango to learn more!

  • Nectarines

Fruit pits are toxic to dogs. If you only feed your dog the fruit of the nectarine and leave out the pits, dogs should be safe. There are some benefits for giving your dog nectarines:

    • Beta-carotene and Vitamin A help skin, teeth, and bones
    • High fiber helps with digestion
    • Potassium is good for health in general.

Remember to watch your dog when feeding them a new fruit or vegetable so they don't get too much of it at once.

  • Oranges

Dogs can eat oranges, but it is best not to give them the peel. Orange peels may be hard for a dog's body to digest and should be avoided. Orange benefits are below:

    • Vitamin C- high levels of vitamin c
    • Potassium - is good for your heart, muscles, and nerves
    • Fiber- Fiber helps digestion

Expert Tip

Read about Can Dogs Eat Oranges to learn more about how can you feed it to your pup!

  • Peaches

Peaches are okay for dogs as long as you remove the pit. Peach pits are dangerous and contain cyanide which is poisonous for dogs. Do not eat canned peaches because they usually contain syrup that has lots of sugar.

You should also use only little cut-up peaches for your dog. This is because it often contains fiber, Vitamin A, and most dogs like the taste of it.

  • Pineapple

Pineapple is good for your dog! One note: don't give your pup the prickly outer skin of a pineapple. You wouldn't want to eat that, would you?

The main advantage of pineapple for dogs is bromelain, an enzyme that helps them absorb protein. Pineapples can be a fantastic choice for a sweet treat for your pup. Practice moderation and monitor them when they first try pineapple.

Expert Tip

If you want to know more about pineapples and your dog, read on our blog about Can Dogs Eat Pineapple!

  • Raspberries

Dogs can eat raspberries in moderation, but not too many. Raspberries contain small amounts of Xylitol, so don't give your pup more than a cup of raspberries at a time. Dogs can get lots of benefits from eating raspberries.

Some good reasons to feed your dog raspberries are that they are low in sugar and calories, high in fiber for digestion, full of Vitamin C, and contain anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it easier for the dog's joints to feel painless and pressure-free.

They also have antioxidants that help with overall health.

Expert Tip

Refer more about Can Dogs Eat Raspberries to safely feed it to your fluffy friend!

  • Strawberries

It is okay for your dog to eat strawberries. Strawberries have a lot of sugar, so be careful with how many you give your dog.

Strawberries are very good for dogs. They contain fiber and Vitamin C. They also whiten teeth. You can add strawberries to the list of fruits that dogs can eat but remember to not give too many at one time or it will hurt your dog's stomach.

Expert Tip

Read Can Dogs Eat Strawberries to learn more about safe fruits for your dog!

  • Watermelon

Watermelon is safe for dogs to eat. Just make sure that they do not eat the seeds or the outside of the watermelon. The skin of watermelon can cause problems with the digestive systems in dogs.

Most dogs like watermelons and it is a healthy treat because it contains lots of water, which keeps them hydrated on hot days. So go ahead and share some with your dog at the summer picnic as long as you take out the seeds and rinds.

Expert Tip

Refer to our blog about Can Dogs Eat Watermelon to know more!

  • Kiwis

They are good for you and your dog. Kiwis have high vitamin C and potassium, but they may be a choking hazard if not prepared correctly. You should never serve them whole because that could be dangerous.

Always remove the peel and seeds before giving it to your dog as a treat. One slice or half slice is enough!

  • Pears

Yes, dogs can eat pears. But you should be careful with the pit because they contain poison that can hurt your dog. Some of the benefits of pears are that they have copper, vitamin C, and other vitamins, and lots of fiber.

Be careful not to give your dog too large a piece so it doesn't choke on it. And remember to remove the seeds and pits first before giving it any pears.

Expert Tip

Here is a blog about Can Dogs Eat Pears to let you know more about it!

  • Pumpkin

Pumpkins are a favorite fruit for dogs that taste good. They are healthy for the dog's stomach, and they give them lots of nutrients. Pumpkins have fiber, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, zinc, iron, potassium, and Vitamin A.

Dogs like pumpkin because it is easy to digest and helps keep their gut healthy too.

Which Fruits Dogs Can’t Eat?

Some fruits and vegetables can make dogs sick. Dogs can eat some fruits and vegetables, but not all. Here are some fruits that your dog should not eat:

  • Avocados: Avocados are fruit, but dogs should not eat them. Avocados have a chemical called persin in them that can make your dog sick.

Expert Tip

Read our blog about Can Dogs Eat Avocado to know more!

  • Cherries: There is small amounts of cyanide in the pit and skin of cherries, which means that if your dog eats a whole bowl of cherries, he will get sick.

Expert Tip

Read Can Dogs Eat Cherries to learn why cherries make your dog sick!

  • Citrus fruit: Don't give your dog the orange or tangerine. It might be safe, but other parts of the plant are not. They can make your dog’s stomach upset, and make them throw up and have diarrhea if they eat a lot of it.
  • Dried fruit: Dried fruit is not good for dogs. It might be okay, but it has a lot of sugar, which is bad for them. They are better off with fresh fruits instead.
  • Grapes and raisins: Some dogs can get kidney failure or toxicity after eating grapes or raisins. This is not dose-dependent, so even one grape or raisin can be fatal. If your dog has eaten grapes or raisins, take it to the vet soon.

Expert Tip

Do you want to know more? Read Can Dogs Eat Grapes!

  • Macadamia nuts: Macadamia nuts can make dogs sick. They might vomit or have diarrhea. If your dog gets ahold of these nuts, call a vet to make sure they're okay.
  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a fruit that contains solanine. Solanine can cause GI distress and arrhythmia in dogs. Ripe tomatoes contain less than green ones, so it is probably OK to give your dog some ripe tomato. But do not give them any green tomatoes or tomato leaves or stems because they have too much solanine there.

Expert Tip

Here is a blog about Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes if you want to know about the safe quantities of tomatoes for your dog!

Tips for Safely Feeding Fruits to your Dog

Now you know about fruits that can be eaten by dogs. Here are some tips for safety while feeding them:

  • Always talk to your veterinarian about any treats you feed your dog. Fruit is a treat, so make sure to ask the vet if it's okay for your dog.
  • You can give your dog fruit, but when they eat it the first time, do not give them a lot. Fruit might be good for them, but you do not know if they will have an allergic reaction or something else.
  • Organic fruits are safer and healthier.
  • You should clean the fruit before you offer it to your dog.
  • You need to introduce your dog to fruit when he is young. Maybe he will like it more then.
  • Some dogs don't like fruit. You can try to add it to their food or use it when you make homemade dog treats. But be sure that the juice does not have any added sugar in it.
  • Feed some fruits to your dog as a small training treat. Some of their favorite toys may also be filled with peanut butter and some fruit for an even better occupier.
  • Don't feed your dog any seeds or pits. They might make them sick.

Fruits are a healthy treat for dogs and the list of safe fruits for dogs is mentioned above. However, you should avoid feeding fruits that are high in sugar or in larger quantities.

So, make these safe fruits a part of your dog’s diet and treats happily!

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Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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