Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Siamese Cat: Facts, History, Grooming & Diet

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On This Page

  • Siamese Cat History
  • Siamese Cat Overview
  • Siamese Cats Physical Attributes
  • Appearance & Personality Traits of Siamese Cat
  • Siamese Cat Care & Grooming
  • Common Health Problems of Siamese Cats
  • Siamese Cats: Diet and Nutrition
  • Siamese Cats as Emotional Support Animal

Siamese cats are best known to have diverse personality traits. They are very demanding and sometimes aggressive. However, this short-haired, medium-sized cat breed is extremely local. The Siamese cats also have a tendency to be more close to the owner, or one of the family members.

Do you know that the Siamese cat is one of the oldest cat breeds? Do you have any idea where these cats came from? Do Siamese cats make good pets? Can Siamese cats be used for emotional support?

Read on to find out everything about this sophisticated cat breed.

Siamese Cat History

The Siamese cat is one of the most popular Asian cat breeds. The pretty light-colored cat with amazing looks made his debut in Victorian England, where he was being widely touted as the Royal cat of Siam now Thailand.

The Siamese cats are beloved ever since and appreciated by the people with their amazing looks and intelligence.

These sleek looking cats originated from Thailand, lived in temples and palaces. They were the companions of the royalty for generations and served as guardians of precious valuables in the temples.

Early legends involving these sacred cats are many including the amazing tales accounting for the Siamese cat’s traits. One such story tells of Siamese cats appointed as the guardians of precious rings. The cats hold the rings with their kinked tails to prevent the rings from sliding off.

The Siamese cats were rarely given to outsiders because of their value in the native land. However, in the 1800s, Siamese cats were exported to Britain. This breed of cats was also exhibited at the modern style cat show in London at the crystal palace.

In the 1800s, the Siamese cats appeared in the United States. One of the earliest owners of the Siamese cat is U.S. President Rutherford B. Haye’s wife.

Siamese Cat Overview

The Siamese cat, one of the beloved domestic cat breeds, and for good reason - they are intelligent, affectionate, and beautiful creatures.

Siamese cats can learn things quickly. You can teach them anything with simple training sessions on a regular basis.

Siamese cats were also members of the royal family. It was believed that when any royal member died the Siamese cat received their soul. The cat then spends the rest of its life luxuriating in a temple.

Siamese kittens are best known for their different appearance and adverse personality traits. Although they are silver-gray in color. The coats of these cats can be red, brown, cream, and lilac.

The tips of Siamese cats vary in color. Previously, only Siamese cats with brown points were recognized but later a wide range of color points are recognized.

Siamese Cats Physical Attributes

A medium-sized but nicely muscled - Siamese cats are famous not only for their intelligence but for their striking looks.

Let’s get to know about the physical attributes of one of the most beloved cat breeds.

Large, pointed ears wide at the base
A long thin tail.
A fine-textured, short, and glossy.
Medium-sized almond-shaped eyes. Deep vivid blue color.
A long, medium-sized graceful body structure. A unique combination of firm muscles and fine bones.
Legs and Paws
Long and slim legs. Hind legs are slightly higher than the front. Small and oval paws. Toes: five on each forepaw and four on each hind paw.
A medium-sized and in a balanced proportion to the body. The wedge begins at the nose and goes to the tips of the ears creating a triangle shape. Flat skull and a long line from the top of the head to the nose tip. Long and straight nose

Appearance & Personality Traits of Siamese Cat

The Siamese cats are not only beautiful but also highly intelligent. With a few weeks of training, these cats can play fetch and even walk on a lead. However, this cat breed can be trained to perform any task you might wish.

Siamese cats are both affectionate and lively and often behave like dogs. If you want to keep a pet that is low in maintenance and high in personality then a Siamese cat is the best option for you to go for.

This breed of cats is best known for its attachment with its human companions. These cats are also very energetic - a great option if you don’t want a cat who doesn't sleep all day and is not ready for the game of chasing the mouse.

The overall appearance of this famous cat breed can be described as angular elegance. The most prominent feature of the Siamese cat is its v-shaped head that makes a perfect triangle from the nose to the ear.

Long neck, legs, and body giving the Siamese cats an elegant appearance. Almond-shaped, with striking blue eyes, Siamese cats are also considered as one of the prettiest cat breeds.

Siamese Cat Care & Grooming

The Siamese cat breed has short hair that only needs standard care from time to time. You can give your cat a good brushing once a week to prevent hairballs. The specific point patterns are because of the recessive genes resulting in producing dark pigmentation only in the cooler parts of the body. That’s why you see the dark areas on the ears, legs, and face.

Your cat needs regular trimming in 12 to 14 days. You also need to pay attention to oral hygiene as well. Start the day of your cat with teeth brushing and don’t forget to schedule regular dental appointments with a veterinarian.

When compared to other cat breeds such as Persians, Himalayans, and long hair breeds including, sphynx, Peterbald, the Siamese cat breeds require very little in terms of grooming.

Here is how you can take care of a Siamese cat.

  • Regular brushing can damage the texture of the cat’s coat. So, it is better to finger brush your cat in order to remove the loose hair. Simply wet your hand and run through the cat’s hair.
  • Siamese cats do not need regular baths. You can use cornstarch if you are not comfortable giving your cat a water bath. Simply, sprinkle the scratch all over the cat and gently brush it out with a soft brush.
  • You need to give special care to the ears of your cat. The show stoppers of this cat breed are the ears. If you want an enhanced look of the ears, just trim the longest hair only inside the baseline. This will give them a greater width and it is also good for air circulation.

Siamese cats have a diverse and distinctive personality. They are active, curious, playful, and also trainable. They love to climb. You can have a cat tree or any other similar structure in your house to give your cat this outlet.

These cats also like puzzles and teaser toys to play with. You better leave something for the cat to not get bored when you are not home. Siamese cats can be called anything but reserved. They are known to have a great bond with humans like dogs.

They seek attention and will follow you around the house. The cat will be on your lap as soon as you sit. These cats need constant interaction and will get depressed if you do not give them attention or leave them alone for long. So, they are the best companion when you are at home most of the time.

It is a good idea to keep the Siamese as an indoor cat only in order to prevent him from diseases, attacks by other animals and other dangers that the outdoor animal face.

Siamese cats bond well with children and dog-friendly cats as well. Young kids should be taught not to provoke the cat for an aggressive response.

Common Health Problems of Siamese Cats

Siamese cats and other similar cat breeds have varying health concerns. The most common concern is the eye condition. The cross-eyed conditions were common decades ago because of genetic flaws. The same gene has given this breed the colored points that have damaged the vision wiring in the brain of the cat.

The crossed-eyed condition is bred out and is ‘undesirable’ as determined by cat fanciers. But it still means that the Siamese cat has acute vision as compared to the other cat breeds. This simply means that the Siamese cats are at greater risk of getting hit by cars outside that’s why it is best for people looking for indoor-only cats.

Here are several other health issues in the Siamese cat breed that you should be aware of.

Health Issues & InfectionsDescription
Respiratory infectionsThe wedged-shaped Siamese cats are common to have respiratory diseases. These diseases are also more frequent in small cats. So, it is advisable to keep your cat away from chilly areas.
Liver problemsAmyloidosis is a common disease that usually occurs when a protein (amyloid) enters the liver of the Siamese.
CardiomyopathyIt is another common health concern in Siamese cats. It is the inefficient blood and oxygen supply to the rest of the cat’s body. The most obvious symptom of cardiomyopathy is fainting.
Renal amyloidosisIt is the buildup of the same protein (amyloid) in the kidneys which affects the normal functioning of the kidneys.
Obsessive groomingExcessive grooming sessions can result in bald patches. This condition can also be the main cause of stress.

These are the common health concerns of Siamese cats. It is essential to provide your cat with all the immunization, preventive treatments, and regular checkups.

Siamese Cats: Diet and Nutrition

Every cat has its own needs, particular likes and dislikes especially when it comes to food. As for Siamese cats, dry food can help to keep the teeth and gums of cats in a healthy state. While wet food is a good source of fluids for cats that do not drink water much.

So, it is important to provide clean and fresh water so your cat can take it along with food. It is observed that some cats overeat if they have unlimited access to food. So, if you see that your cat is gaining weight, better lessen the meal quality or give two meals in a day and take away the unfinished food right away

It is also possible that your cat may need a modified diet with growing age. So, it is better to discuss with your veterinarian about the best cat food for optimum health.

Siamese Cats as Emotional Support Animal

While trying to select the cat to serve you as your emotional support cat, you might be thinking ‘What cat breed is right for me’? So, if you are in search of types of animals as esa and if specifically a cat that can engage with you in your social activities, the Siamese cat is the best choice for you.

The Siamese cat breed is social, playful, attention-loving, and has beautiful elegant bodies. Their exciting and playful nature means that they can be a lot of fun in puzzles and games around them.

Since the Siamese cats are also known as social animals they can easily be depressed when left alone or not getting proper attention.

The fact that they cannot be left alone for a long period of time makes it the ideal option for people who look for a long soothing company from their emotional support animals.

If you already have a cat and want to make him your emotional support cat - all you need is an ESA letter.

The purpose of an ESA is to provide comfort to the owner if he/she has some depression and anxiety problems. The ESA letter can help the emotional support animal owner in housing and travel situations.

So, get a valid ESA letter from RealESAletter.com for your emotional support cat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Siamese cats aggressive?

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Siamese cats are one of the most active and generally more aggressive as compared to other cat breeds. But there are some reasons why they show aggressive behavior. These are:

  • Lack of attention
  • Hormonal changes
  • Hunger
  • Afraid of the new environment

Are Siamese cats good house pets?

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Siamese cats are loving, loyal, and affectionate towards their chosen humans. They have a good tolerance for children and can make excellent family pets. They are highly intelligent and can learn things quickly.

Do Siamese cats protect their owners?

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Highly intelligent, active, and loyal. Siamese cats crave human companionship. They tend to bond to a special person and will protect him if there's an alarming situation.

Is milk good for Siamese cats?

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Most cats have the inability to digest lactose. So giving them cow’s milk can put their health at risk. In fact, milk is not an important part of cat nutrition because many cats have suffered a stomach related problem because their owners were unaware that cats are lactose intolerant.

Why do Siamese cats act like dogs?

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They are active and sometimes aggressive, therefore require constant supervision. They are very talkative and rather noisy. That is why siamese cats are said to be similar to dogs because of the same temperament.

Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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