Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Russian Blue Cat - Breed Profile, Temperament, Price, and Care

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12 min read

russian blue cat

On This Page

  • Russian Blue Cat History - How did these Cats Originate?
  • Russian Blue Cat Personality and Temperament
  • Russian Blue Cat Health Problems and Common Diseases
  • Russian Blue Cat Care Guide - How to Keep Your Cat Healthy
  • Russian Blue Cat Feeding - What to Feed a Russian Blue Cat?
  • Russian Blue vs. Korat vs. Chartreux - Are all Blue Cats the Same?

Russian Blue is a rare feline breed that is also known as ‘Archangel Cat’ or ‘Archangel Blue’. These cats are recognized and loved for their beautiful green eyes and dense shining double coat.

These cats are exceptionally beautiful and due to their agility and nature, they are also known as the ‘Doberman Pinschers of cats’.

These cats are strong and elegant and people often confuse them with other blue-hued cats like British Shorthair, Korat, and Chartreux. Like a number of cat breeds, these make great pets and emotional support animals.

They are sweet-natured and have distinct features like a bright and shimmery coat, broad and wedge-shaped head, and silver-tipped hairs that give the coat its signature shimmer. These cats come in various shades including slate grey, light, silverfish tones, and darker.

But these are not the only reasons that make these cats so special. The magic lies in the coat. The silvery blue-grey color is the result of the dilution of the black gene. In simple terms, all Russian Blues are black cats whose black pigmentation has diluted and given them their signature blue coats.

Interestingly, the color of the litter depends on the genes of the parents and could be born with different colors. Some of them are brown, cinnamon, and orange and could appear in lilac, fawn, and cream color respectively. These cats are often confused with other blue cats like Korat, British Blues, and Chartreux.

Read the blog to know more about these blue beauties.

Russian Blue Cat History - How did these Cats Originate?

The Russian Blue cat is a pure and naturally occurring breed that was created naturally and without any interference of mixed breeding but since it is a rare breed, there is still a lot that is unknown about this breed.

It is believed that the cats came from the Archangel Isles of northern Russia. As per a rumor, these cats originated from the Russian blue cats that the czars of Russia had kept and from there, these cats came to England.

The Russian Blue cat made its first appearance in 1875, in an exhibition at London’s Crystal Palace, Great Britain, as an ‘Archangel Cat’. The Palace was constructed by Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, and the place was used for the exhibition of interesting things, living and nonliving. By the mid-nineteenth century, cat shows had become quite popular.

True to his appearance, the cat has noble bearing and origins and they became so popular that they were given their own classification. In 1890, a British cat fancier, Mrs. Carew-Cox started importing the cats and breeding them. She explained the appearance of these cats as these felines having dense coats with silver and shiny tipped fur.

World War II took a toll on these cats’ development and very few of these felines actually survived. To revive the breed, the British and Scandinavian breeders used Siamese and British Blue cats. However, the result was not very identical and the litter has a changed kind of coat and looks.

It took some years to actually bring the cat back to its actual appearance. It was done by crossing British bloodlines. The result was what we see today; bright green eyes, plush coat, and moderate profile.

These noble felines came to the United States in the 1900s and after World War II, the American breeders took interest in breeding their own Russian Blue cats.

Russian Blue Cat Personality and Temperament

These cats are known and valued for their gentle, shy, and quiet personalities. Due to this, many people mistakenly think that these cats do not like to have their playtime. These felines love to play and climb to high places. These cats love to study and know their human families.

They do not like strangers and most probably, your guests may not even see your beloved feline unless he decides to show up. They are extremely loyal to his family and especially his favorite person who they will follow around in the house.

These are one of such cats that do not mind being held and are quite sensitive also. They could not be left for extended hours and you cannot just bring one home and ignore him. They are very affectionate and any negligence could make them anxious and scared.

These cats are quite intelligent but unlike other active and smart cats, they will not be destructive when you are in office.

He will roam and move around in the house and entertain himself. Instead of knocking things around, he will move gracefully like a ‘Russian ballerina’. He also has a good sense of humor and his antics will never fail to entertain and amaze you. However, do not try to make fun of him.

He is sensitive and has a strong sense of self-respect. Any act of disrespect or ridicule will upset him.

These felines do really well in a quiet and peaceful environment and they are the creatures of routine. They like to follow a routine and do not like change, which means that they will want their meals arriving at exactly the same time every day.

Building a relationship with a Russian Blue needs time but once you do it, you will have a great companion for life.

Russian Blue Cat Health Problems and Common Diseases

‘Do Russian Blue cats have health issues?’

Russian Blue cats are genetically healthy and they do not have any breed-specific diseases. However, like all pedigreed and mixed breed cats, there could be some health concerns but other than obesity, there are no distinct issues with these cats.

But, this also does not mean that they could not be prone to health concerns. Below are some common diseases found in these bright to solid blue beauties.

Eye Conditions - these cats could contract a number of eye problems like glaucoma, cataracts, entropion, retinal problems, and conjunctivitis. Of all of these, they are more prone to conjunctivitis, which could be caused due to a number of reasons and causes like infections, allergies, lack of sufficient teardrops, scratches, and other eye problems.

Respiratory Tract Disorder - the respiratory tract is divided into upper and lower sections and since these cats could suffer from cat flu, their upper respiratory tract is affected and could cause sneezing and nasal discharge.

Besides, these cats could also get their lower tract affected by feline asthma. It is caused when allergies and infections cause inflammation in the bronchi and lungs.

Both of these conditions are incurable but could be prevented by vaccination and the symptoms could be managed with medication, injections, and inhalers.

Kidney Disease - infections, allergies, toxins, blockages, and tumors could cause several kidney diseases in these cats. Chronic kidney disease could happen when the kidney stops functioning properly and the treatment will be according to the severity of the disease.

The disease is irreversible but the cats could still have a healthy life with proper medication and support.

Infectious Diseases - like other felines, these cats could also suffer a lot of other kinds of infectious diseases including viruses, bacteria, and other lesser-known and common diseases like toxoplasmosis and chlamydia.

Besides, FIP (feline infectious peritonitis) is a common condition in cats that starts with common infections and diseases and takes on a more crucial form.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccination to prevent this condition and it could be life-threatening.

Cystitis - the conditions and infections that negatively impact the cat’s bladder and urethra are known as feline lower urinary tract disease, FLUTD, and in simple terms, it is known as cystitis. It could be caused due to stress, not urinating enough, bladder stones, infections, and crystals in the bladder.

This condition could also cause blood in the urine and it could be treated with a special diet, medication, plenty of water, and stress reduction.

All of these diseases are common in cats and this includes the Russian Blue cats also. However, you can prevent them easily through vaccinations and proper health care for your cat.

This would also influence the lifespan of your cat and how long do cats live depends on a number of factors.

Russian Blue Cat Care Guide - How to Keep Your Cat Healthy

These cats are technically easy to care for and their dense and shiny coat will need at least two combing and brushing sessions to stay sleek and clean. This will help in removing dead hair and skin from the cost and distribute the oils evenly.

Brush your cat’s teeth regularly and every week. Though brushing the teeth daily will provide more dental benefits, weekly brushing will also help in removing plaque and tartar buildup and keep the teeth, gums, and mouth healthy and clean.

Trim the nails regularly and do not let them grow unnecessarily. In such a case, the cat could not move comfortably and could damage his bone structure. Check the nails and trim them every couple of weeks.

Check the ears regularly and make sure that they are clean and free from any kind of build-up and debris. Use a mild pet cleaner for the purpose and wipe the dirt out with a cotton ball.

If the ears seem inflamed or excessively red, check with the vet to make sure that nothing underlying is going on.

Keep the litter box of your cat clean as he is very conscious about the cleanliness and hygiene of his place. To keep him safe, it is better to keep him inside and do not allow him to roam freely outside.

This will prevent him from contracting any diseases or get into any accidents or fights with feral animals.

Russian Blue Cat Feeding - What to Feed a Russian Blue Cat?

Russian Blue cats are elegantly built and they have a fine and well-built structure that is slender, muscular, and well-proportioned. These cats love to eat and this is why it is important that you keep a close eye on his eating habits. Always measure the food and do not keep it out and for his free access.

Obesity could cause a number of other health issues, which is why it is important that you keep him at his ideal weight. Give the food the same day every day and keep the treats and leftover food scraps to a minimum. You may like your cat to put on a few pounds but this will not be good for your feline.

The ideal food or number of calories depends on the size, activity level, and type of food that you give to your cat. But on average, an adult Russian Blue cat needs 250 to 300 calories per day to stay healthy. The Russian Blue kittens need more food for development and you will have to feed them more.

If you want to feed organic or homemade food to your cat then the following are some of the best options.

  • Fat-free dairy products
  • Raw or boiled rabbit chicken and sheep organs like heart, liver, and stomach
  • Boil or raw and fresh egg yolk every week
  • Fish having medium-fat

Some of the best cat food options for a Russian Blue cat are below.

Cat Food BrandFeatures and Aspects
Halo Wet Canned Cat Food
  • Whole and fresh meat or protein source
  • Organically Sourced
  • 100% grain-free, locally sourced, and high-quality ingredients
Royal Canin Weight Care Cat Food
  • Helps to maintain weight
  • High-quality protein
  • High-quality fiber
Nom Nom
  • Essential nutrients
  • Digestible
  • Low carbohydrate
  • Human-grade ingredients
Nutro Feed Clean Cat Food
  • Natural and 100% grain-free
  • Free from artificial flavors and colors
  • Totally wheat-free
Wellness Cat Food
  • Made with healthy fiber
  • Has a rich amount of protein
  • Helps to maintain healthy bones and joints

Other than these, you can check from the best cat food options that are vet-recommended and are great to provide nutrition to your cat.

Russian Blue vs. Korat vs. Chartreux - Are all Blue Cats the Same?

No, these may look the same but all three of them are different from each other. Many people think that because these cats have the same blue-colored coats, they are the same cats. All three of these are distinct breeds that have their own different and special features and characteristics.

Below are the core differences between these cats.

Russian BlueKoratChartreux
Elegant, balanced, has a smiling expression and vivid green eyes.Medium-sized, has a broad chest, powerful, and muscular.Muscular, rather short, has fine limbs, and tapered muzzles.
Bright blue-hued with silver and shiny tips.Silver tipped and blue-hued cat.Hues include ash to slate and any shade of blue-gray. Slightly brushed with silver.
Short, dense, plush, and fine.Single, medium, glossy, and fine.Medium, a bit woolly, resilient, and protective.
The Shape of the Head
Smooth and moderately wedged.Heart-shapedRounded and broad but not exactly spherical.
Long and flat skull, no nose break, and a flat chin.Well-defined, slight stop between the nose and forehead.High and softly structured forehead, straight and of medium length.
Large ears, wide at the base, set wide apart, and have short fine hair.Large with rounded tips and a large flare at the base.Small to medium in length, minimal flare at the base, and set high on the head.
Round and set wide apart, has a bright green color.Round when fully open but slightly slanted when normal.Round, large, could have colors like gold, orange, and copper.
Fine-boned, muscular, graceful, and has a firm look.Semi-cobby cat, muscular, has a broad chest, and the forelegs are a bit shorter than the hindlegs.A robust body with a large and well-developed chest and well-formed bones.
Long tail, in proportion to the body, tapering and has a medium-thick base.Medium in length and heavy at the base and has a rounded tip.Medium in length, flexible, heavy at the base and has an oval tip.

Russian Blue cats make great pets and a great emotional support cat but to get one as an ESA, you will need a genuine ESA letter.

Liked the Russian Blue Cat? Check other breeds also.

Egyptian Mau

Turkish Angora

Savannah Cat

Bengal Cat

Somali Cat

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the average lifespan of a Russian Blue cat?

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About 15 to 20 years. The cat’s lifestyle, health condition, and diet also play a role in determining his life expectancy.

2. How much does a Russian Blue cat cost?

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Between $400 to $600. It is becoming quite common in the US but still, you will have to find a reputed and responsible breeder to get your kitten.

3. Are Russian Blue Cats rare?

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Yes, these cats are rare, and bringing one home could cost you quite a lot of money. Many people think that the ‘blue cats’ in the shelter home are Russian Blues, which is wrong. These cats are expensive and no one would give up such an expensive animal.

4. Do these cats make good family pets?

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Yes, these cats make great family pets due to many reasons. Their dense and short coat does not need much grooming and sweet and gentle personality make them great for everyone in the family.

5. Are these cats good indoor cats?

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These cats are quiet, which makes them excellent indoor cats. They are friendly, social, and great with kids and once you build a relationship with them, they are very loyal also.

6. Are Russian Blues high maintenance cats?

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No, these cats are easy to care for and since they have a short and dense coat, they will not need much grooming also. Just brush the coat twice or thrice a week and keep the litter box clean.

7. Are these cats hypoallergenic?

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Not exactly but these cats’ coats produce less Fel d1, a protein that is responsible for allergic reaction in humans. This makes them a good choice for sensitive people also.

8. Do Russian Blues make good pets for first-time cat owners?

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Yes, if you are a first-time owner, have kids, or cannot devote much time to an attention-demanding dog then a Russian Blue will make a great pet for you. These cats are stunning, gently. Loving, and loyal like a dog.




Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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