Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Egyptian Mau Cat Breed - Full Profile & History

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egyptian mau

On This Page

  • Egyptian Mau History
  • Egyptian Mau Cat Breed Standards
  • Egyptian Mau Physical Appearance
  • Egyptian Mau Personality & Temperament
  • Egyptian Mau Health
  • Egyptian Mau Cat Care & Grooming
  • Egyptian Mau Diet & Nutrition
  • Egyptian Mau cat for Sale
  • Do You Know That an Egyptian Mau can Make a Great Emotional Support Animal?

The Egyptian Mau is the fastest and intelligent cat breed. The word ‘Mau’ refers to ‘cat’. A striking and dignified cat breed that gets along well with other cats and is the best choice of pet for families with or without children.

Egyptian Mau cats have a history of at least 3000 years back. When you see any cat depicted in ancient Egyptian art, you are most probably seeing the ancestor of the Egyptian Mau.

Striking and beautiful looks, the Egyptian Mau can capture your attention with its shiny, spotted coat and big gorgeous eyes.

Egyptian Mau History

The Egyptian Mau is one of the oldest cat breeds. Its forefathers were part of religion, mythology, and even the everyday life of ancient Egypt. It was also depicted in ancient Egyptian art such as sculptures and paintings.

The breed was spotted in Cairo and then taken to Rome in 1953 by a Russian princess Nathalie Troubetskoy. It is when cat breeders in Italy and Switzerland started developing this breed before World War II.

The striking marking on his head is said to resemble the ‘Scarab Beetle’ or ‘M’ that was sacred to the ancient Egyptians. Those with the letter ‘M’ tend to be from the United States. In 1988, the Mau cats were imported into the United Kingdom. From there, the breed’s popularity grew and was outcrossed with Main coon and Abyssinians to control the breed’s temperament issues and to boost their overall health.

The Egyptian Mau cat breed was recognized by Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) in 1977. Egyptian Mau breed continues to be popular among breeders and shows owners because of its striking beauty and elegant personality. It is a rare cat breed with only around 200 Egyptian Mau kittens registered every year.

Egyptian Mau Cat Breed Standards

According to the breed standard, the body of the Egyptian Mau is medium-sized and well-muscled, while retaining a very graceful look. Its hind legs are slightly longer than the front, giving it a very stylish appearance.

Because of the breed’s long legs, Egyptian Mau is considered one of the fastest-running domestic cats. They are capable of 30 miles per hour speed.

One of the most striking and attention-grabbing features of this cat breed is the eyes. Large, slightly slanted, and beautiful gooseberry green color eyes. The shape of its eyes gives this breed a bit of a serious and worried expression.

What makes this cat stand out is the amazing mixture of striping and spotting. The letter ‘M’ on the forehead is known as the mark of the scarab. The scarab marking is the reason that these cats were worshiped by ancient Egyptians.

Egyptian Mau Physical Appearance

Egyptian Mau is long although tends to be medium in size. Males are larger in size than females. Heavily muscled and strong, Egyptian Mau is a regal and alert cat breed.

Medium-long size and well-developed muscles. Loose skin from the flank to the hind leg knee.
The slightly rounded wedge-shaped head is medium in size. A slight rise right from the bridge to the nose.
Alert and slightly pointed, ears are medium to large in size. Slightly widen with enough width between the ears. Short and close-lying hairs on ears. A delicate and almost transparent inner ear.
Big, almond-shaped eyes with a little tilt towards the ears. Gooseberry green color eyes.
Legs are in proportion to the body. Hind legs are longer and give the look of tip toa when standing with the back straight.
Feet are small and round in shape. Toes 5 in front and 4 from behind.
Medium size tail that is thick at the base.
A shiny coat that is medium in length. The texture of the hair is silky and fine. Silver and bronze in color, the hair is strong in texture.
Silver, bronze, and blue smoke color.

Egyptian Mau Personality & Temperament

Though some people might get attracted to the beautiful spotted coat of Egyptian Mau, most are fans of its personality and temperament. Egyptian Maus loves to fetch and enjoy any activity that mimics hunting behavior. Although the nature of this cat breed is gentle and reserved, they love the company of their favorite humans and desire attention from them.

Early and continuous socialization is important with this reserved nature cat especially if you plan to travel with him. Otherwise, he will be startled by strange noises and unexpected events.

Like any other cat breed, Egyptian Mau also loves to climb. They are smart and quickly learn to open doors and drawers when they want something. They are highly intelligent, teach him different tricks and provide him with treats when he learns to manipulate them.

Most Maus like to sit straight and view the surroundings. They usually act like they are in full control of the environment. They are very active, strong, and have a balanced temperament.

Always give your Mau cat lots of praise and affection and perhaps giving him treats would be a great idea. The Egyptian Maus are not very talkative but will let their humans know if they want something. When conversing with their human companion, they wag their tail and make various sounds to get their attention.

Maus are very devoted to humans who give them proper attention and care. They are very loyal cats and generally do not talk to strangers. Once they bond with their chosen family member, they want all of their attention.

Egyptian Mau Health

All cats have the tendency to develop certain health problems just as all people have the tendency to inherit diseases. Stay away from those who claim that their breed has no health problems. Maybe they are untruthful or have no knowledge about the breed. Make sure the breeder provides you with a health guarantee on kittens and tells you about any health issue that the kitten may have.

The Egyptian Mau is generally a healthy cat breed. And the crossbreeding with the Egyptian Mau also has pushed some of the most common cat diseases to the background.

While they are still prone to diseases like patellar luxation or periodontal disease but both diseases are not at a high percentage concern for this breed.

This cat breed is also more sensitive to anesthesia than the other cat breeds so care should be taken before any procedure is done on them. Take your cat for regular check-ups and monitor for any health condition. Keeping your cat indoor also helps in avoiding certain infections spread by other animals. Neutering or spaying can also be performed on any cat that is not bred.

Egyptian Mau Cat Care & Grooming

The Egyptian Mau requires very little grooming because of its short fine coat. A weekly combing is good to take care of the coat.

Most Mau cats have medium-length coats. The texture of the fur may vary and it depends on the cat’s color. Cats with silver or bronze color have dense and strong fur. While cats with smoky colors have very fine silky fur.

This is one of those cat breeds that enjoy grooming sessions. They enjoy being brushed and doing so one or two times a week is a good way to stay on top of their shedding.

The other grooming that the cat needs is nail trimming and ear cleaning. Brush the teeth frequently and use a vet-recommended cleanser to clear ears if they look dirty. Help your Mau cat with good dental hygiene for healthy teeth and overall good health.

Start hair brushing, teeth brushing, and nail trimming early in your kitten’s life so he easily accepts these activities later on.

Egyptian Mau Diet & Nutrition

Every cat is different and has its particular likes and dislikes when it comes to food. Talk with your vet for the best cat food for optimum nutrition.

Although Egyptian Mau is one of those cat breeds that does not require any breed-specific food. But it is important to talk to your vet about the best food choice and how much should be given.

Every cat must obtain specific nutrients from its food. The quantity of this nutrition may vary depending on age and overall health. It is not surprising to see that an energetic cat needs a different diet than a less active cat.

You also need to monitor the weight of your cat to make sure it does not lead to obesity which is a major health concern in cats. Consult with your vet if your cat is gaining weight.

Living Needs of Egyptian Mau

The most important thing that you can do in order to make your Egyptian Mau happy is to provide ways to him to exercise and play. They are active, strong, and athletic cats. They will self-regulate their nutrition to not gain weight as long as they are provided ways to exercise.

Pet owners should know that the Egyptian Mau cat breed is more temperature-sensitive as compared to other cat breeds. They usually don’t like cold climates.

Egyptian Mau cat for Sale

You want your Egyptian Mau to be in a healthy state so that you can enjoy your time with him. So, it is important to do your homework before you bring one home. You can visit Fanciers Breeder Referral List, and Cats Center Stage for more information on the history and personality of the Egyptian Mau breed.

Networking can also help you in finding the perfect Egyptian Mau for your family. If you have no issue bringing home a homeless cat then you can contact any breed rescue organization. Start your search with the Fanciers Breeder Referral List or Egyptian Mau Breed Council.

Put as much effort into the research of your cat the way you put in choosing a new house or car. Choose a breeder who has performed the health certifications necessary to diagnose genetic health problems. It is also good to choose those who have raised kittens in the home. Do not purchase from those breeders who have isolated the kittens as it will be difficult for them to socialize later in life.

Lots of reliable breeders have websites from where you can purchase Egyptian Mau from. The Egyptian Mau can cost anywhere between $800 to $1200 depending upon the color variety.

Read about other cat breeds and then decide which one best suits your lifestyle.

Do You Know That an Egyptian Mau can Make a Great Emotional Support Animal?

Emotional support animals provide comfort and companionship to their owners. The criterion for an ESA is simple. Animals that are friendly, social, loving, and trainable make great ESAs.

Egyptian Mau cats meet all of the above-mentioned traits. They are generally very friendly and easy to train.

The Egyptian Mau is a great choice of pets for anyone looking for a friendly companion. These cats have great social skills and can adjust to any new environment. Because of their loving and affectionate nature, it is easy to see why they make a great emotional support cat.

You can also get an ESA letter from RealESALetter.com for your cat to have all the rights that are not accessible to other animals. The most important of these are housing and airfare.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Egyptian Mau cats friendly?

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Egyptian Maus are friendly and loving nature cats. They are great with children and other cat-friendly pets. This shy but friendly cat breed is a good choice as a loyal and friendly addition to families with or without children.

How big do Egyptian Mau cats get?

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In the cat world, the Egyptian Mau size is ‘small to medium’. The height of an adult Egyptian Mau can be up to 10 inches. The weight of an adult male is 8 to 9 pounds and the average size of a female is 7 to 8 pounds. The Egyptian Mau size in adulthood may vary from 5 pounds to 20 pounds or more.

Egyptian Maus have powers?

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The Egyptian Mau possesses some extraordinary powers such as smell, sight, and hearing. They are highly intelligent cats and are always aware of what is happening around them.

How high can an Egyptian mau jump?

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Egyptian Maus can jump as high as 6 feet because of their long and strong hind legs.

Are Egyptian Maus good pets?

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Egyptian Maus can make great pets due to their loving and affectionate nature. Despite their high energy levels, they adore curling up in your lap. These cats are great with children and other cat-friendly pets who can keep up with their high-energy demands.




Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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