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Watermelon is a refreshing treat that all can enjoy. Who doesn't love watermelon? Even Coco loves to have a bite every now and then.
But can dogs have watermelon safely?
The answer is yes! It is completely safe for dogs to eat watermelon.
Watermelon is the perfect summer treat for people to enjoy. Its bright, refreshing flavor makes it a delicious and irresistible fruit. But did you know that watermelons are great dog treats also?
Read further to know the health benefits of watermelon for your dog.
But to keep it entirely safe for them, you have to take certain safety precautions when feeding this juicy delicacy to your pup.
Watermelon is not just an excellent snack among human foods, but it is also a fantastic treat to offer your pup.
The 92 percent water content in the fruit makes it a very hydrating fruit for hot days, but that doesn't stop these low-calorie and high fiber fruits from packing some powerful health benefits too.
“Is Watermelon good for dogs?”
Here are some nutritional components of watermelon that make it good for dogs.
Watermelon is a natural fruit high in sugar. However, when your pup eats watermelon, the high fiber slows down the sugar absorption in their bloodstream.
But, if a dog has diabetes and is already on medication that regulates blood glucose levels, they might have difficulty regulating their insulin to process any additional sugars from something like watermelon.
If Coco has diabetes, make sure he doesn't have more than 2-4 ounces of watermelon. Although you should prefer consulting with his vet about how much he should be having on any given day.
Some Quick Facts about Watermelon |
Watermelon is a healthy and refreshing fruit to offer to your dog, but it should be given in moderation.
Here are some tips on how you can give watermelons safely:
Pureed watermelon and some other dog-safe fruits like blueberries, bananas, or pineapple, along with yogurt or peanut butter until it is smooth enough to freeze in an ice cube tray. Once frozen into cubes, they can then be served as is. Or, you can also serve it as a smoothie.
Some fruits are safe for dogs. Watermelon is one of them, but not all watermelons are the same. There is a major difference between mature and immature fruit.
Immature melon has soft seeds that don't pose any risks. They will just digest like everything else that your dog eats.
But then there are those pesky hard seeds found among the flesh of more mature watermelons. They can cause intestinal blockages and other digestive issues. A smaller dog may even choke on it.
So, you need to be wary of the seeds.
“Can dogs eat watermelon seeds?’
Seedless watermelon is the ideal treat for your dog. Unlike traditional cantaloupe or honeydew, seedless watermelons are much more easily digested and pose less of a threat to their digestive tract.
You should be careful about how many seeds they might ingest in any given bite of a normal watermelon. But, we recommend a seedless watermelon as a safer alternative if you want them to indulge in some fruit.
Watermelon Slushies for your Pup |
Ingredients |
Instructions |
Watermelon is a tasty and refreshing fruit, but not all of it. The rind part of a watermelon isn’t safe to eat. They can nibble on the light green parts but should avoid eating any other pieces.
The hard skin should especially be avoided as the canines can not digest them, and even the big dogs can choke while ingesting them.
Watermelon is one of the most popular summer fruits. But be wary when your pup gobbles it down because they may get gastrointestinal upset from eating too much. This fruit contains too much sugar and natural juices.
Dogs have sensitive stomachs, so it is important to introduce them slowly when they try new foods. Start by giving them only small portions and check if there are any adverse health effects of the fruit.
If you find them avoiding the fruit or have visible health problems, just stop and check with your vet before feeding it.
“How much watermelon can I give my dog?”
Too much of anything can cause problems, and watermelon is the same. Munching on too many pieces at a time can lead to tummy cramps or diarrhea for your pup.
Generally, your dog should not have more than 10% of its diet as treats per day. So, this snack would be best used as an occasional treat rather than an everyday food item. 90% of their diet should be other nutritional dog foods.
Big dogs are also susceptible to constipation with excessive fruit intake because it is difficult for them to digest fiber-rich foods such as watermelon.
So, feed them watermelon in moderation only.
No, not necessarily. You can mix the natural watermelon with some other safe dog ingredients that are low in sugar.
But, it might not be a good idea to feed artificial watermelon products to dogs. Sweet watermelon treats will most likely have high amounts of artificial sweeteners, fillers, and preservatives, among countless other ingredients.
These types of foods could potentially cause some serious side effects.
If your dog is a big fan of watermelon, it can be really beneficial for him.
Follow the tips mentioned below to ensure that you safely feed it to them.
Watermelon is one of the best fruit choices as a treat for your dog. Its high moisture and fiber content, along with densely packed nutrients, place it in the superfood category.
However, moderation is the rule to remember when feeding watermelon to your dog.
Prepared properly, it is an excellent and quick snack when you want to give your pup something nutritious on hot days. Your dog will love watermelon!
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Other fruits your dog can have;
Here are some fruits and vegetables that are bad for your dog:
Yes! Dogs can eat watermelon every day but in moderation. Do not exceed the quantity too much. Otherwise, they may have digestion issues.
A watermelon in 92% water. So, you guess it right. Dogs love watermelon because of its juicy texture and sweet taste. It is the best refreshing treat for your pup on a sunny day.
Too much of anything can be dangerous. So, your dog shouldn’t eat too much watermelon and if your dog is diabetic then also you need to control their watermelon intake.
Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.