Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Can Dogs Eat Raspberries? Is it a Dog-Friendly Berry?

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can dogs eat raspberries

On This Page

  • Can Dogs Eat Raspberries Safely?
  • Are Raspberries Good for Dogs? What are the Health Benefits?
  • How are Raspberries Dangerous for Dogs?
  • The Risks of Feeding Raspberries to Dogs
  • How to Safely Feed Raspberries to Dogs?

Dogs and fruit and vegetables can be hard. Dogs can eat some fruits and vegetables, but not others. You need to know which ones because they could kill them.

A dog’s diet should consist of a variety of healthy, nutritious foods. So what about these small red berries? Raspberries are one of the most popular fruits in the world, but do you know what they are made up of?

Dogs and raspberries: a match made in heaven? No, not really.

While it may be tempting to feed your pup some of the fruit you just harvested from your garden, you can’t always do that, and raspberries are one such fruit.

Though they have many health benefits for your pup, raspberries will only be safe for your dog in a moderate quantity.

Read to know why and how raspberries are dangerous and how you can feed them safely to your four-legged friend!

Can Dogs Eat Raspberries Safely?

Raspberries are safe for dogs to eat, but they should not eat too many.

Dogs are both meat and plant eaters, so they need some fruit and vegetables to be healthy. Raspberries are alright in moderation, but if they eat too much then it will make them sick.

This fruit has antioxidants. They are good for dogs, especially senior dogs with joint pain. You should know some things about this fruit if you want to feed it to your dog. If you use the fruit too much, it might be bad for your dog's health.

Are Raspberries Good for Dogs? What are the Health Benefits?

Although it is not necessary that a dog would need to eat fruit for nutrition, raspberries have many benefits. They are low in calories and sugar but high in fiber, manganese, and vitamin C. Thus, the fruit offers a number of health benefits to your pup. These are further explained below.

Nutritional Benefits of Raspberries

Besides being a powerful antioxidant, raspberries have lots of vitamin-c. But most dogs do not need more because their bodies can make them on their own. Raspberry also has lots of manganese and fiber that are great for people. And they are low in sugar and calories which is good as well.

Raspberries are good for your dog because they have:

  • Fiber: Dietary fiber improves the digestive system in dogs and also makes them less likely to get fat. That is because berries keep your dog fuller for a longer time.
  • Antioxidants: Antioxidants reduce the possibility that your dog will get sick. These antioxidants can help prevent heart and liver disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis. They also help the immune system of your dog.
  • Minerals: There are many minerals in raspberries. Some of them are potassium, manganese, copper, folic acid, iron, and magnesium.
  • Vitamins: Raspberries contain several vitamins, including vitamin K, C, and B - complex.

Raspberries Act as an Anti-Inflammatory Agents

The best thing about raspberries is their anti-inflammatory effect. It is good for animals with arthritis. Raspberry and the juicy pulp can make inflammation better and make it easier to move, especially in joints. Furthermore, it will help with joint pains as well.

Raspberries Improve Cardiovascular Health

Raspberries are good for dogs. They help with their blood sugar levels and cardiovascular health. Dogs have vitamin K, which is an excellent blood-clotting agent. Moreover, the fruit is low in fat and high in nutrition so it also helps the blood sugar levels.

How are Raspberries Dangerous for Dogs?

Dogs don't do well if you give them too much food. It can make their stomach upset and it will make their poop go bad. If you give them too many berries, they might get diarrhea or throw up.

“How many raspberries can I give my dog?”

When you're giving your dog raspberries, be careful about how many you give them. Big dogs like labs or retrievers might do okay with six to ten berries. Smaller and medium-sized dogs should not have any more than three to six berries per day.

As long as you don't make raspberries the main part of their meal, your dog will be fine. Think of them as a light snack or an occasional treat when they are begging around the dinner table.

There are various instances in which feeding your dog raspberries can be risky.

The Risks of Feeding Raspberries to Dogs

Dogs can eat raspberries, but there are some risks associated with them. These are further explained below.

Too Much Xylitol Can Be Harmful

Raspberries have a lot of xylitol which can be toxic to dogs. This is a natural sweetener found in many fruits and vegetables, as well as other human food products. Xylitol can be safe for humans, but not dogs. If a dog eats too much it can make them sick or even kill them.

Raspberries contain a sweetener that is harmful to dogs in large amounts. This means that if a 22-pound dog eats 32 cups of raspberries, it would die. If it eats 4-6 cups, then it could get hypoglycemia and might need medical attention.

If your dog is a raspberry gobbler and there are raspberries in your yard, you should keep an eye on them when they are fruiting. You should also take the ripe ones away from them because they might eat too many.

Overconsumption can be Fatal

Dogs can eat raspberries, but there are some risks. Eating too much can cause diarrhea and stomach problems in dogs. If your dog has a chronic illness that means that they cannot control how much sugar they take in, then the fruit will make them dehydrated.

Rich Amount of Fiber

Fiber is an excellent component to add to your canine’s diet. It helps in bulking up their stool and moving the food easily through the digestive tract.

However, too much fiber can cause gas, bloating, upset stomach, and even vomiting. Since raspberries are loaded with fiber, it is better to offer them in a controlled amount.

A Caution for Raspberries with Pits

Some berries have pits that can hurt dogs. Cherries are the most dangerous type of berry, and the cherry is safe, but the pit is not. If your dog likes to eat berries and eats cherries, they might develop a habit of taking them off of counters or from trash cans.

The pits might make it through their intestines but if they’re swallowed too quickly it could be a choking hazard. If you have cherries around your house, be careful about where you store and dispose of them because they could hurt your dog if swallowed quickly.

Raspberries are good for dogs, but they can be expensive. A handful might not be enough for a large dog. Raspberries are treats and should only be given once in a while.

How to Safely Feed Raspberries to Dogs?

The best way to serve raspberries is with no additives. Use fresh, fully ripped, thoroughly washed raspberries. Some people also offer their dogs small amounts of raspberry sauce on top of the berries. Here are a few tips for serving raspberries to your dog:

  • You can share fresh or dried raspberries with your dog. Sprinkle some on their food each day.
  • Give your dog fresh berries from the snack or salad you are eating.
  • Share a frozen raspberry with your four-legged friend. It is a crunchy snack.
  • Add little things to your dog's treats so they are bright. Like, you could put raspberries on them, or put a fresh berry on top.
  • When you pick out raspberries for your dog, make sure the ones you buy are organic and without pesticides. These will be healthier options than other kinds of raspberries on the shelf. They may cost more, but it is worth it!

Can Dogs Eat Raspberry Jam?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat raspberry jam. This is because raspberries already have the natural sweetener xylitol which is harmful to dogs. The raspberry jam will have additional ingredients and sweetening additives that can be harmful to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Raspberry Yogurt?

It is both a yes and a no!

It depends on the condition of your dog. While dogs can easily eat yogurt, some canines are allergic to the lactose in it. So, it is better to check with your vet, before feeding them raspberry yogurt.

Raspberry Icecream Recipe for your Pup!

Add some fresh, freeze-dried, or frozen raspberries to this tasty cantaloupe ice cream that you can share with your dog.

Raspberry- Cantaloupe Doggy Icecream

      • Prep Time: 4 hours
      • Cook Time: 28 minutes
      • Total Time: 4 hours 28 minutes
      • Yield: 2 cups


    • Frozen ripe cantaloupe - 2 cups
    • Fresh Raspberries - 1/2 cup OR Freeze-dried raspberries 1/4 cup
    • Unsweetened yogurt - 2 tbsp
  1. Make sure you have enough space in your freezer for your cantaloupe.
  2. Make sure that you wash the outside of the cantaloupe.
  3. You need to cut the melon in half. Remove the seeds.
  4. Cut the fruit in half. Take the skin off of each half. Cut each half into 4 pieces. Cut those pieces into tiny pieces so they are bite-sized.
  5. Now you have to freeze your melon and raspberries, sp place them in the freezer. The more space around the pieces of fruit, the faster they will freeze. If you are in a rush, stack some of them on a baking sheet to make it go faster.
  6. When the fruit is frozen, put it in a food processor. Put about 2 cups (300g) of melon pieces and 1/2 cup raspberries in the food processor.
  7. Add 2 tablespoons of yogurt that isn't sweetened.
  8. Blend the ingredients together until they are combined. If it's too thick, then add some water to thin it out to your preferred consistency.

Top your dog's food with a few tablespoons, serve it as part of dinner (instead of some other food), or freeze the food into paw-shaped pops.

Additional Tip!

If your dog is lactose intolerant, do not add yogurt to the recipe. You can try another food instead, like peanut butter.

So, Can Dogs Have Raspberries? Is it a Yes or a No?

Yes, dogs can have raspberries but it is best if they are given to them in moderation. Raspberries can provide many different health benefits for your dog and help their digestion, but too many raspberries can cause diarrhea in dogs.

We recommend that you give them to your dog in moderation and make sure you serve them the raspberries correctly. Speak to your vet before feeding the berries to them.

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Other Healthy Fruits for Your Canine

Here is a list of other fruits that are healthy for your canine;













Frequently Asked Questions

Is Raspberry toxic to dogs?

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No, raspberries are not toxic to dogs, if you feed them in a moderate amount. However, raspberries consist of xylitol, a sweetener that can be toxic to dogs in excessive amounts. Furthermore, a high quantity of raspberries can also upset your dog’s stomach.

What berries are toxic to dogs?

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Some berries that your dog absolutely needs to avoid are as follows:

  • Cherries
  • Holly berries
  • Juniper berries
  • Baneberries
  • Pokeberries
  • Mistletoe berries
Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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