Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? Benefits and Precautions

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Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

On This Page

  • Is It Safe for Dogs to Eat Pineapples?
  • How can Pineapples be Beneficial for Dogs?
  • How to Feed Pineapples to the Dogs?
  • Pineapple Recipes for your Dog
  • How Can I Make My Dog Eat Pineapple?
  • What are the Possible Side Effects of Eating Pineapples on Dogs?

One of the most commonly asked questions is if dogs can eat pineapple.

The answer is YES!

There is a lot of misinformation out there about what dogs can and can't eat. But, if you're a pet owner, you know that sometimes your furry friend can pick what they eat.

Dogs love fruit, and pineapple is no exception. In fact, it is one of their favorite fruits!

Let's take a look at why pineapples are healthy for our canine friends and exactly how much to feed them.

We also have some pineapple recipes that your dog will surely love.

Is It Safe for Dogs to Eat Pineapples?


Raw pineapple is a safe snack for dogs. It is filled with vitamins and minerals that will make your dog healthy and hydrated. It can become a part of their balanced diet.

Plus, it tastes delicious! So give them an extra special treat by giving them a piece or two as a reward after they've been good while on walks with you or playing fetch at home.

But, do not give them in large amounts as it can disturb their portion or their feeding routine.

How can Pineapples be Beneficial for Dogs?

Pineapple is not just a tasty fruit. It has many other health benefits, such as:

  • Hydration: Dogs need to drink water, or they can get dehydrated. Pineapples have water in them, so you can give them to your dog when it is hot. Pineapples can make up for their water content.
  • Antioxidant: Pineapples have antioxidants that help repair cells that have been damaged due to disease, aging, or any other reason.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C boosts your dog's immune system and helps it fight infections. It also acts like a type of medicine that helps the body fight things that cause inflammation.
  • Vitamin B6: One of the essential nutrients in pineapples is Vitamin B6. It is necessary to regulate fluid balance and build proteins in the body.

    Vitamin B6 also regulates hormones and supports neurotransmitters used throughout a dog’s brain.

  • Minerals: Minerals keep the dog’s skin healthy and soft. They also help build strong ligaments and tissues in their body.
  • Bromelain: Bromelain is an enzyme that helps with inflammation. It also helps with skin problems, such as allergies.
  • Stops from Eating Poop or other Rubbish: Most pet owners have seen their pets eat poop. This is not a good habit!

    Pineapple contains an enzyme that is also in meat tenderizers. It is Bromelain.

    When pineapples are eaten, the enzyme makes poop taste bad. So dogs will not like it much. They will stop eating poop eventually.

These are some vitamins and minerals required by dogs in their daily diet.

How to Feed Pineapples to the Dogs?

You can give pineapples to your dogs in many ways. If your dog likes the taste, here are a few things you can do to make it into a snack.

However, remember not to give the dog too much pineapple because that will not be good for them.

Canned Pineapples

Can my dog eat canned pineapple?

You can feed your dog canned pineapple, but don't give it to them with sugar. This is bad for the dog’s blood sugar levels. It makes things worse because some of the nutrients and important enzymes may be reduced or eliminated during the canning process.

If you have no other choice, use canned fruit that has no sugar added and rinse it off with water before giving it to your dog.

Fresh Pineapples

Can dogs eat fresh pineapples?

Fresh pineapple is healthier than canned pineapple. First, make sure you peel it and take out the harder parts. Then, cut the soft and edible part in cube shape. Smaller shapes are usually better because they help with portion control.

Can dogs eat pineapple skin?

Some parts of the pineapple are not safe for your dog. If you want to give your dog a fresh pineapple, make sure that you remove the spiky skin and hardcore. If the dogs eat these, they will have a blockage or choke on them.

Frozen Pineapples

If you want to give your pet a cool treat for the summer, put some pineapple in the freezer. But be careful not to let your dog eat big chunks of it. Or it can create a choking hazard.

Frozen pineapple can be a treat for your pet. They will love it!

Dried Pineapples

Can dogs eat dried pineapples?

Dried pineapple is not a good dog treat. Fruit is usually sugar. But dried fruit has more sugar because there is less water. Pineapple isn't toxic to dogs. But it's best only to use it as extra food or snack sometimes, not every day.

Pineapple Recipes for your Dog

There are many pineapple recipes that are dog-friendly. Some of them are given below.

  • Pineapple and Yoghurt: Mixing pineapple chunks, safe fruits, and vegetables for your dog with yogurt is a good idea. This will make a healthy fruit salad. But make sure that the portion of yogurt is less than that of the fruits. As yogurts have more calories or sugar.
  • Pureed Pineapple: Pineapple that has been pureed and frozen in ice-cube trays is a tasty treat for your dog. If they need some extra hydration, they can eat it.
  • Pineapple Ice-cream: Put yogurt, fruit, and sweet potatoes in the blender. Make them into a puree. Freeze it. Take it out of the freezer and let your dog have the ice cream.
  • Pineapple Smoothie: Make a quick smoothie by putting fruit in the blender. Add some yogurt and pineapple juice. Blend until it's smooth enough for your dog.
  • Baked Pineapple with Potato: The recipe is simple. You need pineapple puree, brown rice flour, oats, and mashed sweet potato. Get the baking tray ready by preheating the oven at 350°F.

    Keep stirring the ingredients while you mix them all in a large bowl. Then, put the mixture in the baking tray. Wait for them to cool down before you put them in the fridge for later use.

    You can make about 40-50 pineapple treats that your dog will love.

These are some of the recipes that you can use to feed your dog their pineapple treat.

How Can I Make My Dog Eat Pineapple?

Can dogs eat pineapple? You know the answer is yes. But you still can’t convince your dog to try new foods like pineapple?

So here are some tips for helping your dog:

  • Mix the pineapple with your dog’s food.
  • Make sure the temperature of the pineapple treat is not too hot or too cold.
  • Give lots of praise when they eat their food and make sure that they feel safe and calm when eating.

It is perfectly healthy for your dog to eat pineapple because it can keep him hydrated and provide them with a lot of nutrition.

However, if your dog is not liking it or refuses to eat despite all the efforts, don’t force the poor animal. Find a healthy replacement.

What are the Possible Side Effects of Eating Pineapples on Dogs?

Although pineapples are fruits and fruits are healthy for animals, excess of everything is bad. So, it should be given in small amounts.

A general concern all pet owners have is, “Does pineapple have too much sugar for my dog?

Fruits are healthy, but they have high sugar content. For example, pineapple has 10% natural sugar, so your dog might not be able to eat it a lot. Too much sugar can lead to diabetes and weight problems in dogs.

Do not give your dog too many fruit treats because this will make them sick or fat.

Whenever you give your dog something new to eat, watch carefully for any signs like upset stomach, drowsiness, or lethargy. They might also have diarrhea or vomit. If this happens after they eat pineapple, then it may not be suitable for him.

Talk to your vet about how much pineapple is safe for them.

What other Fruits and Vegetables Should be Given to Dogs?

You can give these fruits and vegetables to your dog to keep them healthy and fit.

So, Can I Give Pineapple to My Dog?

Yes, you can give pineapples to Coco in moderation. It will make a great treat for him, especially for summers. As long as they are fed in moderation, it won't cause any side effects for your pup.

However, try to feed raw pineapple only because dried and canned fruit has more sugars than fresh fruit. Besides, you can also make the recipes given here and treat your beloved canine with tasty snacks.

A quick tip!

Don’t overdo it. Keep their portion balanced. Beware of the side effects.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does pineapple make dogs throw up?

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Pineapple can make some dogs sick because they are sensitive to the fruit or to any new tastes. They might have diarrhea or vomit after they eat it.

Can pineapple kill a dog?

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As long as you don't give your dog a lot of pineapples, it won't hurt them. You can have some as a snack, and they will be just fine. Do not make it their main food.

Can French Bulldogs eat pineapples?

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Yes. French Bulldogs can eat pineapple. But you need to remove the hard husk, skin, and any pineapple eyes first.

Can Maltese dogs eat pineapples?

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Yes. A small amount of raw pineapple is good for Maltese dogs because it helps their stomach.

Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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